“The New Untouchables: The Pecora Files”
Real Progressives and the creators of “The Con” present a new series, “The New Untouchables: The Pecora Files,” meticulously detailing the rampant financial fraud that has been poisoning our economy for the last century, and what is to be done about it. “The Con” took a simple but revolutionary approach to explaining the epidemic of elite fraud driving the great financial crisis of 2007-2008.
The New Untouchables presents the heroes, one at a time, who sought to prevent it and hold the elite predators accountable. ”The Con” deconstructs the largest criminally engineered heist and cover up in history with no high level convictions of the Wall Street Execs. The system we’re experiencing has spun completely out of control. The Corruption is what is driving the USS Titanic. It must end before it ends us. The New Untouchables (realprogressives.org)
Beth Jacobson was interviewed for this series due to her employment at Wells Fargo and her subsequent whistling blowing of her former employer’s reverse redlining that resulted in a $175 million settlement with DOJ. Beth had filed an Affidavit in Baltimore City vs Wells Fargo wherein she described in detail Wells Fargo’s practices. You can read the Affidavit here